*To be used within 4 months. Extension on 10 pack cards is only given to those with a medical reason and a doctors note.


Hours Of Operations

We are a small studio, and our office is staffed by teachers. Email is the best way to reach us. Please call us if email is not an option for you and we will get back to you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.

Sessions are booked by appointment Monday-Sunday, Morning to evening depending on Teacher availability.

Studio Policies

Private Pilates & Alexander Session Reservation Policy

Please note we have a 24-hour cancellation policy for private & duet sessions. We ask that you pay for the appointment if late canceled.

Mat Class Reservation Policy

You may now reserve a mat class spot as unpaid if you do not have a package card. We kindly ask that you honor our reservation policy. Cancellations for mat classes must be made through your mindbody account. Mat class cancellations are accepted up to 2 hours before class begins. Late cancels and no-shows for mat class reservations will be charged.

10-pack mat, 10-pack private, and 5-pack Alexander and Duets may be paid with your credit card. Please ask the studio about our Chase quick pay option.

To purchase sessions click HERE. 

Payments can also be made by cash, check or zelle.